Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Some More Brilliance

I always feel somewhat childish saying this, but I LOVE Harry Potter. I mean, I am a Potter fanatic. People will look at me like I'm insane when I say this, but it's the truth. J.K. Rowling created a genius story and the complexity of her plot lines just amazes me. What can I say? J.K Rowing is brilliant! People may say Harry Potter is a children's book, but that's ok, because I'm still a child at heart. (According to my father, I'm still a child. :] ) But Harry Potter is not just a children's book, but a book for all ages. I love it! I'll never stop, no matter how childish it may seem. :)

J.K. Rowling's Official Page

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Thoughts

I love to write. Writing is my passion,and while I've faltered on the frequency of my writing, I still do my best to keep up with it.
One of the greatest writers I have ever had the pleasure to read is Stephen King. While he is my favorite writer, he in not my favorite author. I say this because I love the way he writes; the way he manipulates his words into detailed images gives me the chills. But, alas, I cannot call him my favorite author, because I cannot read all his books. His dark, twisted, horror novels are enough to keep me awake for years. I would never be able to close my eyes for fear again. But the books of his that I have read have left me in awe. Never have I wanted to take a highlighter to a book before and light up almost an entire page to remember my favorite descriptions. While I may not be able to read everything of Stephen King's, I will enjoy what I can of his and revel in the beauty of his words.

Stephen King's Official Site